Our constitution
The name of the Association shall be the Abbey Action Group (AAG), hereinafter called the "Action Group".
The Action Group is set up
• To improve the quality of life for all residents within the identified area
• To seek the best possible outcome from the Flagship proposal to regenerate the Abbey Estate.
• To liaise with all partner organisations to achieve these aims
Membership shall be open to all people that live within the Action Group’s area as well as Councillor’s elected to serve the area on any tier of local government. The ‘area’ will be the Abbey Estate in Thetford, Norfolk. Defined as the following streets: Canterbury, Chester, Coventry, Durham, Edinburgh, Elgin, Exeter, Guildford, Gloucester, Hereford, Lincoln, St Albans, Ripon, Salisbury, York, Winchester.
The Action Group shall have a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer to be elected annually by the AGM, a minimum of two of which must be residents of the area.
• There shall be an AGM held in November of each year for which at least 21 days prior notice shall be provided to all members together with an agenda
• The Chair or in their absence, the Vice Chair shall preside at the AGM. In the absence of both, the members attending shall elect a Chair for the meeting.
• A quorum shall be the Chair plus two officers and five members.
• The Business of the AGM shall include:
1. Reports from: The Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
2. The Election of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. (Nominations for Officers may be submitted in writing or taken from the floor, and subject to the nominee's agreement.)
3. Any other business, which may be requested in writing by any Member of the Association, provided it reaches the Chair at least ten days before the AGM.
Reporting Officers unable to attend shall submit a written report to the Chair prior to the meeting.
Each member of the Association present shall have one vote in connection with each motion put before the AGM. A resolution will require a simple majority. (In the event of equal votes, the Chair shall have the casting vote.) All votes shall be taken by a show of hands unless the meeting resolves otherwise.
• The Management Committee shall consist of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and at least five members elected at the AGM.
• The committee may not exceed 15 in number.
• Committee may appoint sub committees as and when necessary.
• All such committees shall report to the Committee who shall devise their rules for working.
• The Management Committee shall endeavour to finance the Action Group by fundraising, applying for grants and seeking funding from all relevant bodies.
• The Action Group accounts shall run from 1st November of each year for twelve calendar months.
• The appointment of auditors shall be made by at the AGM.
• All monies shall be administered by the Treasurer who will pay incoming monies into a Bank or Building Society account in the name of the Action Group
• The Treasurer shall account to the Committee for all monies.
• Any withdrawals from such bank shall be against the signatures of any 2 (two) of the officers of the Action Group or as may be required by rules of the Bank. Signatories will be nominated at the AGM.
• The Treasurer shall prepare financial forecasts based on assessment of Action Group income and expenditure to be presented to the AGM.
• Any proposal to alter the constitution must be approved at an AGM.
• Such a proposal shall be accompanied by a copy of the relevant part of the existing Constitution and proposed amendments in the documentation for the AGM.
• If the actions of any member shall, in the opinion of the Committee, be injurious to the interests of the Action Group, the Committee is empowered to suspend that member or terminate their membership entirely.
• The Action Group may be dissolved only at the AGM or at a special meeting convened for the purpose of dissolution. The motion to dissolve must be carried by three-quarters of members present and voting.
• Before a vote for or against dissolution is taken, the meeting shall determine how the assets of the Action Group shall be disposed of in the event of the motion to dissolve being carried.
This Constitution was adopted at a meeting of the Abbey Action Group on the 26th October, 2023.
Last image shot at Aro Ha