Abbey Action Group hit Back at Planning Application

AAG Secretary Fiona Kiane

Fiona Kiane, Secretary of the Abbey Action Group, has been quoted by the Eastern Daily Press saying Flagship proposals will “tear the community apart.”

The quotes come after the Housing Association announced they have put a planning application forward with Breckland District Council.

Fiona said: “They haven't listened to us at all. 

"I love my home and and they're going to take it all away. We've got to live on a building site for 20 years with all of the dust and the noise.

“This is not our choice. It's just wrong and I'm not happy at all."

In addition, local Town, District and County Councillor Terry Jermy was scornful of the proposals.

Jermy said: "For any large-scale regeneration project to be successful, it is crucial that the local residents and wider community are taken along on the journey and are in broad support of any proposals.

"Flagship have utterly failed in this respect as their proposals do not carry the support of residents or local councillors, myself included. They have not addressed some of the fundamental concerns of residents.

"The Abbey has many positives, two primarily being the much-loved green open spaces and the sense of community spirit - both could be lost by these proposals so Flagship and others must tread carefully or risk destroying this community."

The full article can be read HERE.


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