Eastern Daily Press Come Out in Favour of Abbey Residents

EDP leader column

The region’s top daily local newspaper, the Eastern Daily Press, have written an editorial leader broadly in support of Abbey residents following Housing Association Flagship release of their outline planning application for the estate.

The article (unavailable online), was headlined:

People must be listened to over estate revamp plans.”

It went on to say:

It was back in 2019 when the possibility of a major revamp for one of Norfolk’s biggest housing estates was first mooted.

Five years down the line and plans for Thetford’s Abbey estate have been formally lodged.

Given the scale of these proposals - which could see hundreds of homes demolished and rebuilt - it is little wonder that these plans have sparked such controversy.

When it was built in the 1960s, the estate formed part of one of the biggest expansion projects in Norfolk’s history - and forever changed the face of Thetford.

Thousands of people from London swapped the capital for the market town and the estate has a special place in the hearts of many who made it their home.

Flagship Housing Group which owns some 670 of the 1,178 households, on the estate wants to redevelop the area.

Bosses at Flagship say they have been speaking to the community for the past five years and people have made it clear they do want to see improvements to the estate.

Flagship says it will improve and retrofit some existing homes while replacing others with new homes. Hundreds more new homes will be built.

But, given this will see people’s homes knocked down, it is not surprising that people are concerned about this £250m project.

People understandably love their homes and it’s easy to understand why they do not relish the prospect of living on what would effectively be a building site for 20 years.

There have been claims that Flagship has not done enough to involve the residents in this process. For their part the housing group has said it has sought their views.

The planning process is a chance for people to make their views clear, so it is important that they have their say - and that concerns are listened to.

Click HERE to read the EDP.


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