The Residents of Thetford Vote to Support the Abbey
The Abbey Action Group have received £2,500, the full amount asked for, from Thetford Town Council after a residents’ vote at the first ever Participatory Budgeting event held at the Carnegie last Thursday, the 16th May.
The money will be used primarily to appoint planning expertise, as the Abbey community resist wholly unsuitable plans from Flagship Housing Association to spend 18 years destroying much of the estate including homes and garages before building an extra 500 homes.
“It’s a great deal!”
Residents and members of the AAG committee Fiona Kiane and Marian Maltwood both spoke on the night and were delighted with both the award and the support of Thetford more widely.
Fiona said: “It’s a great deal for us, thank you to all who supported us.
”This money will really help residents of the estate get the advice needed to oppose the destruction of the estate and our community”.
Marian added: “I am very pleased the people of Thetford are supporting us and recognise the effect Flagship’s proposals will have on the whole of the town.”