Thetford Town Council Approve Money for Abbey Legal Fees

Thetford Town Council seal

At full Council on Tuesday 30th April Thetford Town Council passed a resolution to commit finances to supporting Abbey Estate residents against Flagship proposals.

Afterwards, AAG committee member Neil Spillane, who was present said: “Not so long ago we felt alone - but the reception we received on the market on Saturday, plus this vote tonight makes us feel we have support - it is heartening to have some hope.”

The proposal read as follows:

One of the very first decisions of the new Council, post May 2023 elections, was to write to the Chief Executive of Flagship Housing Group to outline concerns about the proposed ‘regeneration’ of the Abbey Estate.

The letter highlighted the Councils view on the unacceptable loss of green spaces, concerns about the number of anticipated compulsory purchases and the lack of effective resident and Councillor consultation. Thetford Town Council specifically requested that representation from residents and Councillors serving that community be incorporated in the Regeneration Steering Group. Nearly a year later, it is disappointing to note that has still not happened.

Recently, Flagship Housing Group submitted its application to obtain outline planning permission. This is a large and detailed planning application with a significant number of supporting documents The proposals have the potential to significantly alter the Abbey Estate for generations to come and it is important that these proposals are right for this community, and Thetford as a whole.

Given the size of the applications and to ensure the concerns of the community and Councillors are properly represented, it is proposed that;

1. Thetford Town Council write to Flagship Housing Group, outlining our disappointment that local residents and Ward Councillors continue to be excluded from the steering committee and any part of the co-ordination of this ‘regeneration’

2. The Acting Town Council be authorised to engage a suitably qualified planning consultant to;

a. Advise the Town Council on the planning application when it comes before the Town Council’s planning committee

b. Represent the Town Council at the Breckland Planning Committee meeting when necessary

c. Share that advice with the Abbey Action Group as representatives of the wider community

3. In order to obtain the necessary support, an amount of up to £5,000 be made available from the Legal & Professional budget.

Priory Ward Councillor Terry Land led the motion and said the following:

“I was honoured last year to be approached by residents wishing me to Chair the newly formed Abbey Action Group, so it gives me great pleasure to present this motion on behalf of those same people.

“To save the green spaces that are such a feature of the estate, along with the super-strong community spirit as well as people’s garages, parking spaces and driveways we require a substantial cash injection to be able to take our case to court as developers Flagship aim to push their wholly unsuitable proposals through.”

“For many, an 18-year development will be a life sentence”

He added: “The current mood on the estate is one of anger, mistrust, and anxiety. One elderly widow told me she hasn’t felt as bad since her husband died 20 years ago. They cannot understand why homes, along with memories and communities need to bulldozed to “improve” the estate. The thought of moving, probably twice, is horrific. For many, an 18-year development will be a life sentence.

“On Saturday we paid for a stall on Thetford market more in fear than hope. Gratifyingly, the response was phenomenal with people all over Thetford AND further abroad offering their support.

“All the residents of Thetford deserve better than Flagship’s grubby offering, I propose this motion to the Council.”

Priory Councillors Mike Brindle and Terry Jermy agreed with Land’s proposal.

Cllr Brindle said: “The idea was to create a new estate – and was completed with great success. The people of the estate turned into a very successful community. Gardens, garages and green spaces are all very much part of the community. We must be able to persuade authorities there is nothing better than the current situation.”

And Cllr Jermy added: I genuinely believe we don’t have a choice. The community could be destroyed for generations to come. I support the recommendation that’s been tabled.”

In addition, Cllr Vic Peters said: “Residents don’t trust Flagship nor Breckland. This Council should help them.”

The vote was supported by 14 of the 15 Councillors present.

After the vote was carried, Abbey residents who had patiently waited for a long time due to a disruptive contingent earlier in the evening gave a hearty round of applause.


The Residents of Thetford Vote to Support the Abbey


Abbey Action Group Stall on Thetford Market a Success